Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Anchors Away Day 3: Math

Ahhhh, math. Finally, the day has come! I am the one and only 4th grade math teacher for the three 4th grade classes at my school. Instead of making the same chart three different times for my three classes I will either make one and add input from each class in a different color OR we make a chart in our math journal and then I put that data from each class on one chart. You'll see below...I also just realized that I forgot some of my pictures. :( I'll add them later...

 When learning how to write multiplication word problems we brainstormed all of the different words we could use for groups. The kids really enjoyed this one (they have an identical one in their journal) and continue to add to it. This is one that each class did as a journal activity and I then took all class data and put it on one chart (as described above).

As part of learning about multiplication properties we broke down the multiplication table, looking for patterns. These are a few the classes came up with (among several). This is one that I used different class colors for.

My 3rd grade friend down the hall has this awesome chart down in her classroom.

Ok, your turn!!! LINK UP!! :)

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  1. i love you allot not u the pics l.o.l<3<3<3

  2. I love the site! Thank you for all the wonderful ideas. We are teaching our daughter (who is about to go into Kindergarten) about money. I did notice one thing you might want to bring to your friend's attention (if it hasn't already been done so) that it is not the Whitehouse that is on the nickel; but Monticello, the famous home of Thomas Jefferson.
