Saturday, November 12, 2011

COOL Science Website!

I'd like to share an awesome science website that I recently came across. The website has some really neat videos and interactive activities for kids! There are several topics covered and for a variety of ages. I am using this site next week with my kids for friction. Here are some example screen shots:

You can check it out here:

I'd love to hear what you think about it!


  1. This site is wonderful. I have used this site with a webquest on changes in states of matter. The kids loved it and were thoroughly engaged.

  2. Aaagh, I had this site bookmarked on my old computer and forgot about it--thank you for sharing!! My students love these interactives!

  3. Thanks for sharing this link. This website is really awesome.

  4. Thanks for sharing the site. The videos look great. I've linked to similar stuff on our blog.
