I haven't joined this linky party in a while, so I am excited to be posting this today!!
Last weekend, I came across some infomercials, got sucked in, and ended up running out to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to get a Ninja Blender!! It's REALLY cool! :) Here is our first smoothie in it!!
THE absoulute BEST thing about sub days!!!!!!!!
.....and then there is the worst thing about sub days.......
I totally left a good marker out for the sub to use on this board and this is what it looked like when I got back to my room... :(
And I am not sure about the content of it or why the ones and tens on the bottom are in reverse order....
Finally, my own little designed and carved her first pumpkin!! Well, since she is only 3, we assisted the carving BUT the rest is all her! :)
Happy Saturday! :)

I just found your blog on And they all fall down... and hopped over to check it out. I am glad that I did. Your blog is super cute, I am your newest follower! The pumpkin your little made is ADORABLE!!! It was a perfect design!! Sorry about your white board, you would think some people would know better. Love the book sort, really great idea. We are switching from fiction to non-fiction this week so I think I will use your idea to sort some books for that too! Thanks for the idea!! OH, and I've had a Magic Bullet for years (after it came out on infomercial) and have loved it. That smoothie looks awesome - would love the recipe!
Monahan Monkey Madness