
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Part-Part-Whole Chart Action! (and your Sweet & Simple Saturday freebie)

Week 2 is officially over and I am still alive! It has been a fun-packed and BUSY year so far! I ended week 2 with 21 students in my class and they're some pretty sweet kiddos. :)

Yesterday, I introduced the part-part-whole chart to my firsties. They were SO excited to not only get a new chart, but to USE it! (Seriously....they were ecstatic.) They must know its great power. ;)

FIRST, I passed out the chart and we talked about its name and very, very briefly talked about the purpose. We will get more into that later. Then, we rolled a die and put counters in one of the parts. We rolled again and put counters in the other part.

We talked about how many counters were in each part and how we could find out how many counters there were in all. We decided to push the parts together and then count. They discovered that the whole was a great place to put them together and count them up. We did that 2-3 times. Then, I called a student to roll for me and place the counters on my mat under the document camera while the rest of the class did it at the their desk. I called another student for the second roll and placement of counters. We did that FOREVER because they were VERY engaged--they wanted to be picked!! Almost everyone got a turn with that. 

After that, it was time for some independent practice. We played Part-Part-Whole Roll:

They did SUCH a great job. We'll be ready for round 2 of PPW on Monday!!

And here are the possible recording sheets for the game:

Need part-part-whole charts for your classroom?? Here is your Sweet & Simple Saturday freebie:

Have a great weekend!!


  1. I LOVE your new blog design!!!! So cute!


  2. I love the simplicity of the mats! Thank you!


  3. Thank you for sharing the mats. I've also used the zoo plates for a fun part-part-whole activity. The kids love those!
    Teachin' First
