
Friday, September 20, 2013

Never a Dull Moment.

Who has time to have a dull moment in first grade (or even just a moment)??! Seriously, today was PACKED with activities (like any other day)! I didn't get everything in pictures but I did capture math (imagine that). Check out what we did in math!

First up, we did a little part-part-whole practice by playing my Part-Part-Whole Roll game using animal plates!! You can check it out here!

Then we gathered our shoes for an introductory graphing activity using my DIY graphing mat.

We discussed many ways we could sort our shoes into two groups--tennis shoes and sandals, by height, by color. After listening to many suggestions, we decided to sort shoelaces and no shoelaces! Let the sorting commence:

We discussed our data during and after sorting. We had just finished a unit on comparing numbers up to 30 so they were ready to analyze! After talking in partners and as a whole, we were ready to write comparative sentences about our data. Read what they came up with! (I wrote down exactly what they said.)

After all of the graphing fun, we wrapped up math with a fun and stickery ten-frame activity. The kids were randomly assigned a number from 1-10 and given a ten-frame. They used stickers to make the number in the ten-frame. I then took each child's picture with their ten-frame--I have a few little projects to use the pictures for. I will share more about those later! They did have a blast raiding my sticker collection!

Hope you had a fantastic Friday!! :) Thanks for stopping by!

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