
Saturday, July 19, 2014

YUMMY Chicken Fajitas

So, most of you readers don't know me in real life so I must tell you something--

I am NOT a cook. At all. In fact, I HATE cooking! I would rather clean dishes and the kitchen than cook! If I absolutely HAVE to cook, it is not an enjoyable experience for me! I have a 4-year-old and a husband (who actually likes to cook) to feed, so I cook more often than I would like (which, ideally, would be NEVER, haha).

So why say all that?? Because I am about to share a recipe with you!!

I discovered the crock pot method of cooking last year (yes, I went my whole life not realizing the wonders a crock pot can do). Crock pot cooking is a very tolerable way of cooking for me! And it is SO easy and YUUUUMMMMMY!


  • peppers (whichever colors you prefer)
  • onion
  • any other veggies you like
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 pack fajita seasoning
  • boneless, skinless chicken breasts


1. Chop those veggies and thrown them in the crock pot! (And in case you are like me and don't know how to cut a pepper, YouTube has some great tutorials!)

2. Put the chicken in the crock pot on top of the veggies (frozen or thawed).

3. Add 1 cup of water and 1 pack of seasoning to the pot by pouring it all over the chicken.

4. Cover it and cook on high for 4 hours and THEN ENJOY! It is delicious!

 (Sorry, no after pic.)

 This recipe was just too good not to share! Try it out! :)


  1. That does sound easy! Do you cut the chicken into strips after it's cooked?
    Grade 4 Buzz

  2. thank you!! Doing this tomorrow!
