
Thursday, January 2, 2014

I've Got Double Vision!

I've got double vision??! Why, you ask? Because we have been learning about DOUBLES!!

We are now ready to move on to the next unit, so to help us remember/further understand those doubles we worked so hard to learn, I made some station games and other activities to help out! Introducing...

This 80-page pack includes anchor charts,

10 games,


and a craftivity!
And, yes, that is silly me modeling the craftivity. ;)

It also includes a differentiation menu for average or advanced learners/GT--something that is near and dear to my heart. ***Takes half-leap onto soapbox*** I am absolutely ALL FOR giving our low babies the extra support they need, BUT I am also an advocate for giving our advanced/GT students what they need. Just because they understand does not mean their needs are being met!! That being said, I created a menu of activities for students to complete to demonstrate understanding and further learning about doubles.

Check out my doubles pack by clicking on the cloud(s) below. ANNNNNNNDDDD when you do, you will see that it is 20% off!!! For the entire day (Thursday 1/2), you can purchase this product for 20% off, so take advantage!

Have a great day/rest of your vacation!