
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Frayer Model Vocabulary Cards

Here is a freebie for you (since it is my birthday today!!). My last post showed the Frayer Model vocabulary cards that I use in my classroom. I am posting a copy for you to use in your own room! Enjoy! I would love to hear how much they help your students--mine have greatly benefited from using them. My students' favorite part to fill in is "non-examples." They love to come up with answers that are sooo close to being true, but aren't--definitely helps them to assimilate the new information.

Frayer Model vocabulary template


  1. Thanks for the freebie! Love it and can't wait to use it with my 3rd graders.


  2. Thank you so much! I got an email from your TPT store that you posted this!

    Third Grade Meanderings

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog everyone! I hope Frayer's approach helps your students like it has helped mine!

  4. Your math notebooks are awesome and thanks for sharing the vocab model. How many do you have your students create at a time?

    I Heart Teaching Elementary

  5. YAY Thank you! I was just looking at your other post about math notebooks, and was wanting a copy of this! I plan on using it for my vocab this year :)

  6. Thanks so much for sharing! Hope you had a great birthday!

  7. Thank you!!! Love that it's already in the size I need without me having to do anything. LOVE the math notebook idea! We always have math folders with random slips of papers in them from different lessons, and this is SO much more organized! I called my teaching partner asap to have her check out your blog. Thanks again!!

  8. How is it a freebie when you have to pay/subscribe to Scribd in order to download this? Confused...
