
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Where Did July Go?!?

Grad School is k-i-c-k-i-n-g my butt right now and I have FINALLY been granted access to my classroom. This equates to one busy week!! My room is still a work in progress but I have a sneak peek for you! I probably won't be able to post again until after life winds down a bit. :/

P.S. I have enjoyed looking at all of your pictures! I love to see other people's classrooms!!

View from the door

Here it is!

I'm going with tables this year--VERY excited about it.

One of two new nooks :D

Nook 2!!

Still have a little ways to go but I am very pleased with the progress. I'll update as soon as I can :D


  1. Looks great so far! I of course love the frogs!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies @

  2. Oooo tables! Wish I could do those. I love how it looks so far! :)

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  3. Looking Good!!! I'm asking myself the same question....July is gone and I start back today with an all day training!! Ahhhh.....good bye vaca:,((

    4th Grade Frolics

  4. It looks great! BTW I just found out I was moving to be a fourth grade teacher...AHHH I am freaking out. Any tips or ideas?

  5. Ashley, I moved to 4th grade last year after teaching 3rd grade for 2 years and then kindergarten for 8 years! Yikes! BUT I absolutely love teaching 4th grade. I think the kids are at a perfect age where they still love their teacher and are eager to learn. It was a great move for me and I am SO happy I did it.


  6. It's looking good! I love the rug in the second Nook. The colors are gorgeous!

  7. I just bought the same rug from Ikea, I was worried about it showing dirt since it is white. How has it worked for you?

  8. Thanks everyone! I am so excited about the way it's beginning to come together. :D

    @Ashley--OMG!! I am sorry to hear that you are being moved, but you get to come to FABULOUS 4th grade!! 4th grade was NOT my choice and I always said in college "I will NEVER teach 4th grade." My dream grade was 2nd grade. I didn't think I could relate to older 4th grade kids. 4 years later and I'm still in 4th! I love it!!! Like Cindy said, they are at the age where they still love to please and are eager to learn. My kids still love to do cheesy, cutesy stuff but are able to totally take off on independent work and projects. I think it's the perfect age. Will you be teaching all subjects? Please let us (all of the 4th grade bloggers0 know what we can do for you!! Good luck to you!

    @Julie--I just bought my rug a few days ago so I haven't had any traffic on it (other than myself). I am concerned about the same thing you are. While I was working yesterday, I was already playing out conversations in my head that I would have with the kids about taking proper care of our rug. I contemplated a no-shoe rule but that might not be feasible. I did make sure to put it in a place where students don't have to cross it to get somewhere else, but I imagine there will still be a few feet touching it every day. I'm willing to give it a shot though because it's just so pretty!! Where are you planning on using it?

  9. Looking good, and I too can relate to the Grad School butt kicking right now... I am counting the days until this torture class I am in ends! Good luck!

  10. I am also using it in my reading nook/ meeting area. I loved it when I saw it and had to have it. My classroom theme is primary colors, so it fits right in. I am crossing my fingers it is as durable as it is cute.

  11. We're new followers! Your classroom looks great... we love the cute rug!! We can't wait to get into ours... we're anxiously waiting for Aug. 8th!!

    -Jackie and Danielle-

  12. I am new to 4th grade but love far! I am interested in your math notebook. I am not sure what to put in it. I love the foldables that i have seen of yours. Can you give me any hints as to where to get the different foldables. I am willing to take, pay or whatever I need to . I love your stuff. Thanks so much. I am learning so much from your blog.
    Jerri clark
