
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pinspiration Linky Party

Like many of you, I am OBSESSED with Pinterest. I constantly save photos of things I like, but mainly things I want to recreate. I actually completed my first Pinterest project tonight! I am NOT a cook at all, I don't like it (though I LOVE to eat). :) I can make cupcakes though! (From the box, of course.....) I pinned this picture of these adorable owls:

 And here is my own rendition:

The whole parliament of owls

Please excuse the iPhone pics :)

I want to see what YOU have used Pinterest to do. Have you recreated anything that you've pinned? Please join the party! :D


  1. I am addicted to Pinterest! I haven't created anything yet, but I want to try my hand at 'subway art'. I pinned the owl cupcakes, too :-)


  2. I am obsessed with this linky party and I call them "pinspirations" too!! lol! I linked up :)

    Miss Kindergarten

  3. How cute! Great job! I love pinterest too but am not too sure about everything just yet. I am still learning :)

  4. I started a "Lots of Linkies" Linky party to organize all the different LInky topics posted on blogs. Hop on over and add this one. (There is already a Pininterest Board Linky by Teacher's Lane on my list, but you can name yours differently to...Maybe Pininterest Creations??)

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  5. I am obsessed with Pinterest and all the fun ideas they have! Check out my latest post - it has three different teaching ideas that I recreated! :)

  6. Thanks for doing this Linky party!! It's so "pinterest-ing" to see all the great ideas!

    I Love 2 Teach

  7. some friends and I are meeting today to make some of our pins! can't wait!

  8. The owls will be great when we are reading "Owl Moon"!! Thanks!!!

    Tales of a Third Grade

  9. I linked up! (twice-oops! i messed up on the first one!) LOVE the owls.. so stinkin' cute!

  10. Have tried to link up 3 times and it keeps giving me an error message. I might try again tomorrow.
    Live Love Laugh Everyday In Kindergarten

  11. I couldn't wait to finish my project tonight so I could link up with your party! :) Thanks for hosting it!!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  12. I love these cupcakes...You've done an awesome job! Thanks for the "Pinterest Party." Cute idea!

  13. Thanks, everyone!! I love seeing what everyone else has created! :D

  14. I'm a new follower and I just linked up!

    I Love Pinterest!!

    Now, I'm off to look at all the other inspirations!

    Teachers Ask, Teachers Tell

  15. I just joined your linky party and put your link on my blog! Thanks for this great idea!! Now I really know I won't have my classroom ready before school starts! :)


  16. LOVE this idea! I actually just "pinned" this post so that I can see all of the creations others have made. I haven't yet made anything from my pins, although I have been pinning like crazy!!

    ❤Mrs. McKown
    Little Literacy Learners

  17. Me again...just something unrelated...but I saw that you are displaying my button in your sidebar. Thanks so much! I just grabbed yours and will return the favor b/c I love your ideas!

    ❤Mrs. McKown
    Little Literacy Learners

  18. I have a friend in 4th who is looking for great ideas on pinterest and asked me to help her find people to follow. I don't see a pinterest button on your blog. Do you mind sharing a link to your pinterest page so she can start following you? Thanks!

