
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Office Depot--whoa!

Teachers, you MUST head to Office Depot SOON! They have a lot of different sales going on right now! An employee told me to really keep an eye on sales in July because they will have several deals on school supplies (and free breakfast for teachers!). Check out what I bought:
 These 2-pocket folders with fasteners were only 25 cents a piece! In true teacher fashion, I bought 26 of them.

My BFF actually bought this for me a few weeks ago. I saw some other creatures today that included a turtle, mouse, and penguin. Each holds 4GB.

I also bought 2 LED flexlights (the cutest little lamp-like apparatus) and 2 USB hubs. I'm one of those that has like, 6 things plugged in to my computer at any given time. I bought the pink person hub and the blue square hub for those times I find myself out of open ports. Here is the pink one up close:

I'll probably use this one at school because the usb cord is a little bit longer. Here is the other in action:

I am SO ready to get to my classroom and get to work. Unfortunately, my district has a policy that keeps overachievers like me from stepping foot on campus from mid-June until the beginning of August. I'll have to wait :(


  1. aw, the pink person hub is the cutest, my hub is totally boring!!
    Ladybug's Teacher Files

  2. If you wait a couple weeks or so (you"ll have to watch for the sales online) Staples and Office Max both will have the 2 pocket pronged folders for 1cent a piece! Not sure about Office Depot though. Plus, if you tell them you are a teacher, Staples ups your buying limit for the sale to 25 (for any sale item too) and office Max will double their limit (if limit says 2, you can get 4, etc.) They have *really* great sales like that every summer (crayola crayons 24 packs, pencil packs, etc.) Plus, if you sign up to receive their email online, Staples will send you *awesome* coupons as well as a "sneak peek" on Fridays for their upcoming ad for Sunday. :) Just a heads up from one teacher to others! :D

  3. Thanks Janaye for making me smile :) I love your finds, if I have enough time I'll be posting about some of my finds tonight! :) Thanks FreeLark for the good info on those stores, I know both of those stores plan to do teacher appreciation days. I think they vary from location to location, so check their websites!
    Thanks, Nancy

    The Apple Basket Teacher

  4. FreeLark! You took the words right out of my mouth!! I always go to Staples to get my folders for a PENNY!!! and I always, always buy way too many!! Get the white ones and you can use them if you are working on units. Your students can decorate them for whatever "theme" you are working on- this works so much better than using manila folders!!!
    Life's a Teach!!

  5. I want one!! That panda is the cutest thing ever!
    The Sweet Life of Third Grade
