
Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Book Whisperer--Chapter 1

Wordle: Chapter 1

WOW! I am in L-O-V-E with this book. It's so empowering and really makes you reflect on your own teaching. This book has been so inspiring and life-changing and I'm only on the third chapter! I find myself reading it whenever and wherever I can (even while in workshops). Any good teacher that is passionate about what she does will do everything she can to ensure that the students learn AND enjoy learning. It IS all about the kids. Donalyn's classroom is a prime example of how our classrooms should run. I just feel so inspired and can't wait to implement whatever strategies I can.

My grade level is departmentalized and I am responsible for the math, so I actually do not teach reading, BUT after reading Readicide and now this book I plan on (somehow) squeezing in some sort of reading time into the schedule for my kids. We all know, especially after hearing Donalyn's testimony, just how significant that reading time is for our students. I cannot wait to finish this book to find out every piece of advice she has to offer! I am so glad we are doing this read-along! :D

Be sure to visit Mrs. Lyon's blog to read everyone else's Chapter 1 reflections.

1 comment:

  1. I read the book this summer and agree that was an amazing read!! I no longer teach math this year, but wanted to share this link to Everyday Math Literature Links--even if you don't use this series, the book ideas are great to connect reading and math!
